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Getting Started

Therapy is an investment that you’re making into your own happiness, success, and well-being. You should feel confident that you’re choosing the right therapist for you. That’s why I offer:

  • Free 15-Minute Phone Consultation
    Completely cost-free. This phone conversation will allow us to get a sense of how I can help you with the issues that you want to address. Call +1 845-467-2419 or email me at



Please give me a call to discuss fees. I look forward to working with you.


I am an Out-of-Network provider with insurance companies. This means that my clients pay the full session fee at the time of service and are then able to seek reimbursement according to their insurance plan benefits.


Many of my clients choose to pay out-of-pocket for therapy without involving their insurance company at all, either because they want the increased privacy and flexibility that this approach affords them or them not having Out-of-Network benefits with their plan.


If you are interested in using your insurance for reimbursement, look to see if you have a PPO health insurance plan. These types of plans typically have Out-of-Network benefits that can allow you to get partial reimbursement for your sessions.

  1. During our free 15-minute phone consultation, I can answer your insurance-related questions regarding the process of seeking reimbursement and more! I am also happy to provide you with a list of questions to help guide your conversation with your insurance company.

  2. If you decide that you would like to use your Out-of-Network insurance benefits for our sessions, I can provide you with a monthly superbill that you can submit to your insurance company.

Phone: +1 845-467-2419

©2023 Esteem LLC.

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